Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Talk Tuesdays!!

Hello you wonderful glam girls! Thanks for coming back and checking out my blog!! I know it's a little new still, but I'm working on tons of content to blast your way. So today is Tuesday and I thought I'd tell you guys a little more about me. So get a cup of tea, settle in, and get ready for a little cozy chat with yours truly.

Since I hurriedly threw this up I wanted to give you a little more of a background on ME! My name is Devin, I'm 28, and my "real" job is as an artist and graphic designer. I'm an aries, single, and have a wonderfully large crazy family that I spend tons of time with. Hahaha is that a good description? 

Okay let's get to the good stuff...some would say I'm addicted to makeup. Which is weird, because for most of my life I was a complete tomboy, had no idea how to do any sort of anything that was girly including makeup, hair, dressing myself...it was pretty terrible. I'm including photo's to really drive that image home (don't judge, I was a child of the 80's)

But then I got into modeling and started to really learn how to put myself together. I had always had a love for fashion and makeup, I just didn't know how to style myself. I just knew that if I could get as close to Gwen Stefani's look as possible I might have a chance. Enter the blonde hair I rocked for a very very very long time. 
Even after all the things I learned from the makeup artists and stylists I befriended, I was still pretty lazy about makeup. I knew how to do a couple looks that looked good on me, and that was about it. I still preferred to spend my time doing other things, I would touch up my under eye concealer when my eyeliner ran off my face (which is frequently did at those times) and move on to whatever else I was interested in. (Mostly painting, boys, music...etc.)


To make a long story short, I made some bad decisions, dated the wrong people, I was kind of an asshole and slowly but surely ran myself into the ground emotionally and physically. This quote describes it to a "T".
Literally the day before I hit the brick wall
So I got hit with the brick wall, which was for me a surgery that caused permanent nerve damage and basically being bedridden for 2 1/2 years, amongst side effects like Fibromyalgia, and then finding out I had Hormone and Thyroid issues (but that's another PSA lol). Being on bed rest I had to get to know me and I also had a LOT of time to watch things on my computer, and that's where I found youtube, and what truly makes me happy! After watching hours and hours of tutorials I started to get the hang of it, I learned I could use my art school color mixing knowledge to do looks and it wasn't so scary anymore. I learned a lot and the more I experimented, the more comments I got about my makeup and then I started being asked to do other people's makeup!! I KNOW can you believe it?! It made me so happy to do it as well, making women look beautiful literally puts the biggest smile on my face.

What did I learn you say? 

Well I learned that inner beauty is the key, being strong, being a glamazon (hence the name) and owning your beauty in a dynamic way isn't a bad thing. I always gave my power and beauty away to other people because I didn't want to be labeled as  a "bitch" or because I thought my beauty wasn't the right kind of look you were supposed to have. I thought I constantly needed to be striving to do something "more intellectual" and constantly fought myself with the beauty is only skin deep mantra trying to keep up some appearance of who I was supposed to be that was mainly in my head. So that's the funny thing, the more I embrace myself the more I am happy and glowing and I think that the stigma that surrounds the beauty industry in regards to feminism needs to be addressed. 

Okay so what does this mean for you? 

In a nutshell it basically means that this blog was set up, yes, to give tutorials and tips on makeup and fashion, but mostly as a lifestyle booster! You are beautiful and wonderful and on this page I want you to walk away always feeling that you are!!

Okay, well I think that's enough chat for today, I would love to hear your stories and any suggestions of things you would want to talk about in the coming weeks!!!



  1. Love ya lady! Can't wait to read/see more!!! *muah*

  2. Ahh thanks I love you too girl!!!!!
